Some Nifty Facebook Advertising Tricks
When you set up a Facebook Advertising campaign, it is extremely important to target just the right audience. And targeting is something that Facebook does very well.
From age and gender to physical location and interests – you can pinpoint your desired audience almost exactly.
But what if you want to get even more fancy? There are a few advanced techniques that you can use to make the most of Facebook’s built in targeting options:
Event-based lookalike audiences
These allow you to pinpoint the common characteristics of the people who take the desired actions on your website – all via the Facebook Pixel.
Lifetime value lookalike audiences
This makes use of customers’ purchase data to finetune your audience selection.
Lowest cost cap bidding
Don’t just go for the lowest cost. Cap that cost as well. This way you get the most clicks for your budget.
Placement asset customisation tool
This interesting tool lets you customise your creative for each of your placements. This means that you can change what is seen for Instagram and mobile as well as the various positions available on Facebook’s feed.
Test and learn tool
This allows you to compare two campaigns on a common aspect and figure out which settings work the best for you.
Split testing tool
You can identify which of your ads is the best performing so that you can create more like it and really get the best bang for your buck.
3-Step funnel on your remarketing
Not only is remarketing a really great tool for catching those clients who have visited your site before, but you can make your remarketing even more effective with Facebook’s 3-step option.
For a more in-depth look at these techniques, read Charlie Lawrence’s post on Social Media Examiner.