
14 Secrets About Website Ranking
In the world of website ranking you will come across a lot of people who make use of different tactics and different approaches. However, the following 14 items are really important secrets that you need to know so that you can spot the frauds.

What’s Trending in Design?
The shapes and typography that you use on your website design says a lot about you. The wrong shapes will send people away and bad typography make your website impossible to read and follow. Keeping up with the trends or using something different and strange can make you stand out from the crowd. So, what is trending in website design right now?

6 Things That Won’t Happen in Google SEO
Google is the big daddy of search engines. There is no doubt that it runs the most complex and difficult to satisfy ranking algorithm with well over 200 factors being considered. There is plenty of information on how to do Google SEO, but what about the things that will never happen?

3 Ways a WordPress Website Can Increase Your Productivity
WordPress is certainly and undeniably one of the most commonly used content management systems currently in use on the web. If someone asks you to build them a website or to update their website there is a roughly 3 in 1 chance that you will be tackling a WordPress website.

Copyright Violation and Content Marketing
There is a major argument that I’ve faced in a number of places where the content team seems to think that it is alright to source images from other websites as long as you credit the source. This is most definitely NOT alright in content marketing or anywhere else for that matter.

What is the Difference Between a Front and Back-end Web Developer?
There is a little confusion running around the web as to what the difference between a front-end and back-end web developer. The honest truth is that the difference are both vast and not that great all at the same time – depending on what you look at.
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